Over the weekend Storms Malik and Corrie caused severe damage and left many without power throughout Scotland and Northern England. At present the impact on the UK’s timber industry is unknown however it is likely further damage was caused. Two months on from Storm Arwen and Euroforest are continuing to assist landowners with windblow clearance.
Today Euroforest are on a site in Aberdeenshire tackling some of the wind damage left for Brook Forestry. The predominately Sitka Spruce site is being managed by Area Manager, Cameron Gillies, where 1,250 tonnes have been harvested so far of the 4,000-tonne total of damaged timber. Cameron is working closely with Speyside Harvesting to ensure a high-quality service.
If you wish to get in touch with Euroforest regarding any windblow clearance, please contact our Head Office on 01228 217517 or find your local area manager here.