what we do

“We are committed to a programme of continual improvement and engender a positive safety culture and a genuine respect for the environment we work in.”

Simon Wallis, Compliance Manager

Euroforest are fully compliant and externally audited against the highest international standards.

Euroforest - What we do

Euroforest have become industry leaders in how we manage and monitor all aspects of our business activities from our harvesting sites, to forest management, and in our harvesting business.  We are committed to a programme of continual improvement, working with landowners, forest management companies, and supporting our contractor partners to ensure that we engender a positive safety culture and a genuine respect for the environment we work in.

Euroforest have held accreditation through the ISO standards 14001 Environmental Management Systems and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems for a number of years, and were recertificated in October 2021.  This enables Euroforest to demonstrate a commitment to our landowners and customers that we are fully compliant and externally audited against the highest international standards.

The Euroforest compliance team have spent considerable time fostering a culture of positive reporting of all incidents, irrespective of size, amongst staff and all our contractors where learning rather than blame is the focus.  Euroforest use a range of field-based reporting systems such as iAuditor to enable operational staff to create and capture accurate monitoring records and live site information, produce incident and near miss reports and generate meaningful management information.

Stump forensic Euroforest

Simon Wallis, Compliance Manager providing Stump forensic training to Euroforest Group employees.

Compliance on site training Euroforest

Simon Wallis, Compliance Manager providing Forest Works Manager training on site.

This data can be easily analysed by the compliance team to ensure harvesting sites and site visits are being conducted and are compliant to the highest standards.  These systems are also being adapted to provide landowners and agents with clear evidence of how work on their land is being conducted, building client confidence through open and transparent management.  This data can be interrogated to identify trends in positive management, incident reporting, and to generate real opportunities for learning and improvement.

The Safety Health and Environment Committee (SHEC) meet monthly to review any incidents and near misses, establishing the learning points and agreeing when Safety Alerts and Toolbox Talks are required in response to incidents and how they communicated through the industry to assist in a process of education and development, further encouraging positive reporting and engagement.

The compliance team, led by Simon regularly deliver industry workshops to Euroforest and our group of businesses. These workshops include forest manager training, chainsaw awareness and harvesting site planning to address any issues raised through site management.  Euroforest also deliver awareness days highlighting current areas of concern, which most recently have been focused around providing contractors and landowners with advice on the risks and responsibilities relating to Ash Dieback Disease.

The management of health & safety and the environment are central to the business values of Euroforest and are key to building a business that can operate across the entire UK irrespective of location.  We believe that a positive safety culture is essential to ensure we deliver and meet the expectation of all our clients and landowners.

Pryor & Rickett Silviculture & Euroforest staff

Forest Works Manager training to Pryor & Rickett Silviculture & Euroforest staff.

Forest of Dean training Euroforest

Providing Forest Works Manager training in the Forest ofDean.